Cleaning Up Your Bathroom for 2024

bathroom vanities custom cabinets Dec 19, 2023

If you just can’t stand looking at that old bathroom anymore, then 2024 may be the year to refresh your space. And the bathroom is a good place to put your money, as the average return on your investment is around 70%. Even if you only make small changes, you can still reap the benefits of improvements.

Here are the hottest trends for bathrooms for 2024.

  1. Timeless aesthetics. With homeowners wanting to stay in their houses for a longer period of time, they will be looking at materials and features that won’t get old and tired. Even the most modern homes are featuring elements such as brick, handmade clay tiles, rustic wood elements and arches. Sustainable design is also important, featuring water- and energy-efficient fixtures, LED lightbulbs and dimmers. Many homeowners are adding features they will need down the road as they age into their houses, such as nonslip flooring, curb-less showers, wider doorways, lower vanity heights and grab bars.
  2. Handmade features. Closely linked to timeless style is the addition of adding custom, handmade features. This can include handmade tiles, custom bathroom vanities and other elements that create the feeling that you have something truly unique and special. One-third of homeowners are opting for wood-colored vanities, replacing white as the second most popular choice.
  3. Steam showers. Customers are placing priority on products and design that focus on health and wellness, such as steam showers and saunas. Steam showers have been at the top of the list as science has shown they may contribute to allergy relief, lower blood pressure and better sleep.
  4. Stacked subway tiles. Nothing says classic quite like subway tiles, but Instead of the traditional brick lay, put a modern spin by stacking the tiles, either vertically or horizontally. Or opt for a hand-molded subway tile look to bring an artisan flair to your space.
  5. Separate sinks. If you have enough space, ditch the long double vanity and replace it with separate sinks. Depending on the design of your bathroom, you could place a tub between the two or an interesting accessory piece.
  6. Dramatic wet walls. Spa-like bathrooms are still the rage, so add an entire wall covered in tile or mosaic instead of sheet rock or mill work. Not only will this instantly elevate your design, but it’s also functional—no more worrying about clean-up when bathing kids or dogs.

No matter what you choose for your next bathroom remodel, pick materials that will look good 20 years from now, will add value to your home and that you will enjoy.

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